chapter10. Oracle SQL
2017. 3. 6. 17:44
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | 실습 1. select * from professor p, course c where p.pno=c.pno and p.pname='송강'; 2. select * from professor p, course c where p.pno=c.pno and cname like '%화학%'; 3. select * from professor p, course c where p.pno=c.pno and c.st_num=2; 4. select * from professor p, course c where p.pno=c.pno and p.section='화학'; 5. select * from student st, score s where st.sno=s.sno and st.major='화학' and st.syear=1; 6. select * from course c, score s where c.cno=s.cno and c.cname='일반화학'; 7. select * from student st, score s, course c where st.sno=s.sno and c.cno=s.cno and st.major='화학' and st.syear=1 and c.cname='일반화학'; 8. select distinct c.cname from student st, score s, course c where c.cno=s.cno and st.sno=s.sno and st.major='화학' and st.syear=1; 9. select st.sname from student st, score s, course c, scgrade g where c.cno=s.cno and st.sno=s.sno and s.result between g.loscore and g.hiscore and c.cname='유기화학' and g.grade='F'; 문제 1. select s.sno, s.result from professor p, course c, score s where p.pno=c.pno and c.cno=s.cno and p.pname='송강' order by s.result; 2. select * from student st, score s, scgrade g where st.sno=s.sno and s.result between g.loscore and g.hiscore and st.major='화학' and st.syear=1; 3. select * from student st, course c, score s, scgrade g, professor p where st.sno=s.sno and s.cno=c.cno and p.pno=c.pno and s.result between g.loscore and g.hiscore and p.pname='송강' and g.grade='A'; 4. select distinct p.pname from student st, professor p, score s, course c where st.sno=s.sno and s.cno=c.cno and c.pno=p.pno and st.major='화학' and st.syear=1; | cs |